Our annual R&D budget is spent on testing robustness and readiness for these systems to be used in a production environment and of course that they meet the claimed benefits.
Recent R&D projects include a real time object detection in video (Single-Shot Detection) , a GPU accelerated Database and crypto-currency / FinTech work.
Through research we are able to foresee at least which underlying technologies are here to stay and which may disappear. This includes programming languages, operating systems, hardware and so on. As a result we tailor our Academy around technologies we believe will be in use for many years in the future to provide our engineers a stable platform for their career in IT.
Through our experience spanning various fields we are able to provide highly optimised solutions for customer challenges that typically have a small infrastructure footprint and can scale seamlessly.
Machine Learning and Data Analyses projects are what we love - just share the data - we'll do the rest :)
Services Competence Areas
・Automation of complex systems
・Data Science
・Machine Learning
・GEO Analytics
・Big Data Solution design
・Infrastructure Design
・Web Applications
My Specialities
・Problem Solving
・Complex situation analyses
・Out of the box thinking